Thursday, June 16, 2016


For folks eyeing their budget and considering a potential trip to Europe, I'd encourage you to find cheap flights.  Where are the cheapest flights going departing the states and landing in Europe.  For us, we saved $3000 by flying out of Baltimore to Paris.  To us, it was worth the almost 8 hour drive and two nights in a hotel to save that much money.  Our kids had never been to Washington DC or Baltimore so we visited Washington DC the day before our trip and our 7pm flight allowed us to take in Baltimore before boarding our flight.  I think walking all over Baltimore helped the kids sleep on the flight. We had no clue what to expect in Baltimore and LOVED it.  We had the downtown and Walker's Art Museum to ourselves. Drastic difference from the thick crowds in DC. 

 Listening to Daniel's Story at the Holocaust Museum
 Admiring Elmo at the Smithsonian
 Admiring a real red coat after being a red coat in a recent play

 Enjoying the Baltimore Basilica Garden
 Beautiful statement on the importance of free will

 The original Washington Monument in the background

 This cute bird photobombed my picture!
 Lovely residential area 

 The Walker's Art Museum photos are below.  This museum might be my favorite stateside museum.  Great layout packed with diverse art. From a mummy to a Monet, Walkers Art Museum has it all.  It's free and they have a delightful children's area on the first floor! 

 I would like Andy to paint a portrait of Abby like this.

 Portrait of Morgan like this. :)
 From the Colosseum painting above to the children's craft project of a creating a Colosseum, the Walkers Art museum was a good prep for our trip. :)

 This picture makes me laugh.  We got turned around looking for a restaurant and ended up tired and hungry in front of a Hospital.  So we ate at its cafeteria and the kids were so embarrassed.
 When you get lost in Baltimore you stumble on neat things like Edgar Allen Poe's final resting spot.  

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